Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Cara Mudah Tingkatkan Traffic 1000 x

Berikut cara mudah untuk meningkatkan kunjungan  traffic ke website anda. Kita bersama harus berlaku jujur untuk bisa mendaptkan hasil maksimal secara bersama - sama. Silahkan menyimaknya baik - baik.

—————- Copy mulai disini——————
Mohon baca baik-baik lalu terapkan dengan benar….
Sebuah filosofi mengatakan ” Honesty is The Best Policy ( Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik )”. Inilah yang akan kita buktikan…. apakah konsep kejujuran bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?…
Saya yakin bisa asal konsep ini di jalankan dengan benar…bila ini di terapkan pada web anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
-Web anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
-Web anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc2 untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk menggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.
Jika Einstein menggunakan atom plutonium dan uranium untuk membuat bom nuklir, maka kita menggunakan Kejujuran dan ketepatan untuk membuat bom traffic dan popularity ini.
Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
1. Buat posting artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste posting ini dan juga diberi berjudul : t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami
2. Selanjutnya Copy atau buat KALIMAT SAKTI yang ada di bawah nomor 4 ini lalu pasang di web anda pada bagian yang paling mudah dilihat pengunjung, misalnya di bagian atas sidebar:
3. Pindahkan atau ganti link atau alamat url posting saya (disini-1) menggantikan alamat url rekan saya ( disini-2 ).
untuk mengetahui alamat url posting saya dan posting yang anda buat adalah bisa dengan meng-klik judul/title posting yang kita buat ini.
4. Lalu isi alamat url posting anda pada pada disini-1 tadi. Jadi anda melakukan publish (terbitkan) 2 kali, setelah posting ini selesai anda buat lalu di terbitkan, dan lalu anda klik pada title (judul) posting untuk mengambbil/meng-copy alamat url posting anda dari address bar browser anda, lalu anda edit lagi posting tadi dan masukan pada link disini-1 itu.
Berikut tulisan “KALIMAT SAKTI” yang perlu anda pasang di bagian web anda (setelah di ganti link url-nya sesuai ketentuan di atas)
” Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas…?…
Serahkan pada saya…, Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATIS…!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2 ”
Jadi setelah KALIMAT SAKTI ini diletakkan di web/blog anda maka: jika pengunjung meng-klik link disini-1 akan menuju link posting anda dan jika meng-klik disini-2 akan menuju link posting saya…dan seterusnya maka akan terus terjadi mata rantai yang tak terputus seperti itu…
5. Di bawah ini ada 2 link :link anda ( link web saya sekarang ) dan link saya ( link web rekan saya sekarang ) . Maka ganti (alamatnya) ” link anda ” dengan ” link url web anda sendiri ” dan ” link saya dengan link url web saya ini ” ( link rekan saya di hapus).
link saya
link anda
5-Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan link back web anda.
Apa itu t=v1+t2…?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2 : Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 ( pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.
Misalnya web/blog saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini ( KALIMAT SAKTI ) dengan benar dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet dan setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet…BUKTIKAN
Misalnya web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari dan semuanya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web/blog anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda yaitu sebuah link pada KALIMAT SAKTI dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari….
Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting…?
…hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus….
Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya “menghilangkan semua link asal” lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri…? ….Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik…..Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu…

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Be Guling Pink - Kapal

Warung babi guling named "babi guling pink" located on the main street between Kapal Village ( badung regency ) to the way to Tabanan. It's clearly can recognise because this warung is the only warung between the seller of the balinese traditional temple and decoration. Although Kapal Village most known with the village of the temple handicraftmen but they also have one nice "babi guling" ( suckling pig ) warung.

The colour of the lawar which made of mix shreded young jack fruit, shreded coconut mixed together with the pig meat and also balinese spicy which they make the colour of the "lawar" is pink. So' it's may they get the name from the colour of the "babi guling" set that they served.

The taste is quit spicy which is they have to put more chilli on their rice set. Because this warung is mostly visited by the locals ( balinese ) who have stop on the way in Kapal. The "babi guling" set with lawar, pork satay, crispy pork skin, meats and cassava vegetable.

Price : IDR 10,000 / portion ( USD 1,2 ) when the blog write.

So if you pass Kapal Village and the main way eastern of SDN Kapal ( elementary school ), you will easy to recognise this warung by their busy and also clear location.

Have try a good food.

Warung Ikan Bakar Pak Nyoman

This warong is really provide fresh fish every day... I have been came to the place several time to check either the quality of the fish that they use are still good or has degradation. Result is they use always fresh fish for the grilled fish ( ikan bakar ).

This Warong located on the main street between Singakerta Ubud to the way of Sayan Ubud. Exactly located about 100 meter northern of four junction at Singakerta Ubud. The place mostly known with "Tebongkang". Beside grilled fish, they also provide grilled chicken, grilled duck, plecing kangkung and also fried potatoes.

It's taste really balinese, although the sambal is not hot enough on the balinese tongue. But's it's quit good for international taste which is need less chilli. The fish is grilled in balinese spicy which make the taste can come inside of the fish. They grilled using coconut husk so the natural aroma of the coconut make an addition to the fresh fish that they use.

If you have come to Ubud and through Singakerta, you can try to have lunch at this place. In the noon time this place mostly busy with some people which want to try the menu that they have.

Price : Grilled fish IDR 15,000 ( USD 1,7 ) when the blog are write not include drink yet.

You can add any drink that you like. Also there are some kind of crispy cracker ( keropok provide on the table ).

Selasa, 20 April 2010

Nasi ayam ( chicken rice ) Pak Sedan

If you have travel to Ubud, there is one nice warung located at the corner of Pengosekan intersection. This warung provide mix rice ( nasi campur ) and also chicken rice ( nasi ayam). Good taste with nice falvour.

To reach this warung you need to come to Ubud, on the main way from Lod tunduh to Ubud, you will find intersection in pengosekan petrolium station. This warung located at opposite of the petrolium station or Hanna art space and gallery.

Good for getting nice foods with cheaper price. I got IDR 10,000,- ( USD 1,2 ) when this blog are write for complete mix rice which is not include drink yet. You can choose drink between aqua, soft drink or juice. Juice is available seasonly especially for manggo juice which is at their season.

The only thing is the road in front of the warung is crowded, because this is way connecting Mas to Pengosekan Ubud. But it's will pay by the nice "nasi ayam" or "nasi campur" provide by the warong. If you want a complete drink, there is a mini mart at the petroleum station just a path from the warong.

So, when you have come to Ubud and feel hungry at the way southern of pengosekan, why not try this simple and nice foods ?

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Bakso Balung - Meat Ball with ribs

Taste the meat ball with ribs...

Bakso is a meat ball which is made either from chicken meat, pork, beef or fish. Served with bihun ( a white noddle ) or shreded cabbage and some time the seller also provide yellow noddle. You can choose one of the add noddle which one that you like or boiled eeg wrap with a meat.

There are many seller of bakso - meat ball seller around Indonesia. Especially they are easy moving using motor bike or gerobak dorong - push wooden stalls. Bakso can found in the street at the day time into a night market at night time. Once of the nice bakso with good taste is located in Corner of Kumbasari Market. Just off in front of Melanting temple of Kumbasari Market / Badung market at Jl. Gajah Mada Denpasar Bali.

If you come to Badung market, try this nice meat ball which served with ribs on request and availabilities. Also can serve with sticky rice which wrapped by banana leafs make the aroma of banana leafs can feel on the sticky rice.

You can adjust the spicy by your own. If you like spicy, you can add more chilli or you also can add more tomotoes suce or soya.

Price is IDR 5000 / portion ( $ 0.5 ) current price when this blog write.

Babi Guling - Suckling Pig

Babi Guling - Balinese famous and favourite foods

Babi Guling is one of Baline most favorite foods which is like by both the Balinese and also foreigner. Actually the babi guling are made from a young pig which with the ages between 2 - 4 month to get a crispy and yummy taste of the babi guling. For Balinese, the babi guling is used in some ceremony eg. temple ceremony, three month baby ceremony, wedding ceremony and some other ceremony. Balinese put a casava leaves which mix with some ingredient for a spicy such garlic, turmuric, gallangal, lesser gallangal, chille, pepper, lemon grass and put coconut oil which when served will serve separatly with the babi guling. Rest of the spice will cooked and splash it on the top shreded meat of babi guling to make the taste more better.

Actually Balinese babi guling is more spicy then the babi guling presented in restaurant or warung. The taste of Babi guling in the warung is already adjusted with the customer taste and they will also put a side meals such as lawar kacang ( long bean mix vegetable ) or lawar nangka ( young jack fruit mix vegetable ). There are some stalls which present a nice babi guling for you to review.
  • In Tabanan - located at Buruan - Wanasar Street northern of Tabanan, you may try the ANDI JAYA - Babi Guling - Current price is IDR 10,000 / plate ( $ 1 ) served with rice.
  • In Ubud - located in the west of Puri Ubud, southern of Bumbu Bali, the famous babi guling stalls named WARUNG IBU OKA. Now warung Ibu Oka also open in Mas - Ubud street. Current price at Warung Ibu Oka when write the blogs is IDR 25,000 / plate ( $ 2.5 ) served with rice not include drink yet.

Indonesian Foods Blog

Try the Indonesian variatif foods and drink....

Welcome to variatif of Indonesian foods. On this blog, I try to present varied of Indonesian foods which sell from a corner street stalls into restaurant presentation. Hope this blog can help you on finding a goods foods on your travel way to Indonesia especially Bali.

There are many variatif foods in Indonesia which different taste and presentation. For you who like foods, it's may this information on this blog useful for you and have a try unique taste of Indonesian Foods.

The foods and stalls present here is based on my experience time by time either from the corner of the street or in Restaurant. I want to present an objective view of the foods that I taste for you as reference and try while in Indonesia especially Bali.

The stalls are well selected considering taste, budget, places and an access to get to the "warung" or stalls or restaurant and also the unique environment surrounding the area.

So, have enjoy the abundant of Indonesian foods variatif for you to try.

Hope that you will love the Indonesian foods as we love too.